Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer fun!

Sorry these pictures are backwards ME and Haley at Tuacahn
Silly Girls!
Me and Gabby
Me and some of the girls at BEAUTIFUL Heaber Valley Girls Camp!

Yes I did the zip line at Heaber Valley Girls camp
So this is one of my trck sisters we foud out one the 2nd day that her aunt and uncle are in my ward so that was exciting!

So my cute little cousins have been bugging me saying this like this "your blog is so cute maybe you should post something!" "Hey you haven’t posted anything for 8 months and if you aren’t going to post anything then maybe you shouldn’t have a blog" So here I am posting something! And I hope to be posting a lot more since I’m going to be in HIGH SCHOOL now!!!!!! And I will have a lot more going on in my life! So my summer I've been to Trck, Girls camp, Drivers ed "scary, just ask my mom she will tell you all about it", Cherry Hill, Parades, St. George, Tarzan at Tuacahn (amazing!) and Family gatherings!

1 comment:

  1. I love the post!!! I love the one with me in it, too!!! See ya soon!
